суббота, 24 ноября 2012 г.

Aris -Paok


Today we have DERBY match in North Macedonia,Greek Macedonia....Derby in city of Thessaloniki...
Today i bet not only on statistics of the game, i know very well this kind of matches you can buy,or to do some agrement between the teams..
Ok maybe Paok play better in this moment,but Aris is not the last team from Greece,and in this kind of game..Play in 101% ,full of motivation....
Only in this game,the home court ,Arena Alexandreio is FULL ..5500 crazy Aris fans support the team
ARIS...this is God of WAR....And today if i was a player from Aris,and i have behind me 5500 people who suport me,with soul and hearth....I will do anything to win....Aris come after 2 loses with Panionios and Appolon....But today Motivation its 100%....of course Paok also ont to win.....
But today i am with Aris....They need this win for fans and for confidence.....
I lose a bet with Aris this week away at Appolon,and now this is my Revenge........

ARIS - PAOK : ARIS win P1 @ 1,9

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