Today, i have a bet,from my inside intuition.....I start to look at this team after they fuck very hard Panionios....
22.09.2012 Panionios - Apollon 44 -60(13 -17/ 10-14/ 14-18 / 7-11)
Who the fuck is Appolon? This is team from Greek Esake B league, and this season they play in first division
Maybe its not so good team....But....They have STRONG DEFENCE
44 points from Panionios? This serious.....after i have another match from frendly match-es...
14.09.2012 Paok - Apollon 57-44 (14-11/ 11-11/20-9/ 12-13)
Ok,Paok and Panionios in this season are better team like Ikaros....And for 76 points like bookers give to this team....You must to work hard, and have stability in the game....
Ikaros and Stability are differents things....19+19+19+18= 75....
But....When i see statistics, i can propose Appolon can stop Ikaros in 1-2 quarter on the 12-14 poinst....And we have Value in the future quarter?
For exemple they score in the first period 13 points....We have bonus 19+19 +19 (+ 5 virtual) ...
That this means 13 + 21 +21+20 = 75.....
Ok but if they score in the second period 14 points....We have
13 +14 + 24 +24 = 75 points....
Take a look here .Appolon matches....
Take a look her...Ikaros Matches....
And think.....
I propose to see Ikaros at the end from 63 to 69 points....My prediction is Under for home team
IKAROS - APOLLON : IKAROS Under(TM) 76 points @ 1,9 ..............75 %
Under 146.5 @ 1,9 ( all game)............25%
22.09.2012 Panionios - Apollon 44 -60(13 -17/ 10-14/ 14-18 / 7-11)
Who the fuck is Appolon? This is team from Greek Esake B league, and this season they play in first division
Maybe its not so good team....But....They have STRONG DEFENCE
44 points from Panionios? This serious.....after i have another match from frendly match-es...
14.09.2012 Paok - Apollon 57-44 (14-11/ 11-11/20-9/ 12-13)
Ok,Paok and Panionios in this season are better team like Ikaros....And for 76 points like bookers give to this team....You must to work hard, and have stability in the game....
Ikaros and Stability are differents things....19+19+19+18= 75....
But....When i see statistics, i can propose Appolon can stop Ikaros in 1-2 quarter on the 12-14 poinst....And we have Value in the future quarter?
For exemple they score in the first period 13 points....We have bonus 19+19 +19 (+ 5 virtual) ...
That this means 13 + 21 +21+20 = 75.....
Ok but if they score in the second period 14 points....We have
13 +14 + 24 +24 = 75 points....
Take a look here .Appolon matches....
Take a look her...Ikaros Matches....
And think.....
I propose to see Ikaros at the end from 63 to 69 points....My prediction is Under for home team
IKAROS - APOLLON : IKAROS Under(TM) 76 points @ 1,9 ..............75 %
Under 146.5 @ 1,9 ( all game)............25%
I propose to see Ikaros at the end from 63 to 69 points....My prediction is Under for home team
ОтветитьУдалитьIKAROS - APOLLON 67-65( 17-12/24-22/14-11/12-20)
1)Today, i have a bet,from my inside intuition
2)But....When i see statistics, i can propose Appolon can stop Ikaros in 1-2 quarter on the 12-14 poinst...
3)Nice start with Greece Esake 2012/2013 :)
See you next tour....;)
Hi Priogini,
ОтветитьУдалитьI like very much your blog.
What do you think about Olimpia -3 in Adriatic League (Monday, 22)
Hello Mihai...I think if you bet on Olimpia in Adriatic with Zadar and +7.5 with Fenerbahce....Now you are thery happy...
ОтветитьУдалитьScuse-me....I have a hard week at work,and i dont have time to watch my personal blog:)
P.S- Frate dupa nume imi pare ca esti roman? nu? Daca ceva puteti sami scrieti si-n romana.Ca eu sunt romana basarabean ,sunt din Republica Moldova...Pur si simplu mai mult comunicam cu capperii din Ucraina ,Rusia,Lithuania pe un forum de basket in limba rusa.
Limba romana este limba mea materna:) Observ ca vizitarorii din Romania ,sunt pe locul 2 la mine pe blog :)
OK Priogini.
ОтветитьУдалитьDeci in opinia ta Olimpia-3 @1.88 e un pariu bun?
Mihai,din cate inteleg te referi la Olimpia -Cedevita...daca sincer nu mash baga la meciul dat...Este unul foarte dificil..Din punctul meu de vedere...Si nu lash atinge...Lasa-i sa joace....Pentru mine Olimpia Ljubliana e cea mai mare tarfa din toate echipele ligii Adriatice....Nu o iubesc si nu joc pe ea,nu pariez pe ea nici un leu ,fie el romanesc sau moldovenesc.....Pe maine fratele meu ,este Buducnost Podgorica,de cu azi se da 2,15 la Victorie curata....asa ca profita de moment....Sau Partizan mai putin de 72.5 puncte.....Ai in vedere asta....Maine as pune +7,5 pe Zadar cu Cibona.....Simt ca ne asteapta un meci interesant
ОтветитьУдалитьSucces fratele meu.....Sa tinem pumnii pentru Apollon ;)
Multumesc de sfat Priogini.
ОтветитьУдалитьPacat de Apollon
Priogini ai avut dreptate cu Olimpija. A pierdut cu Cedevita. Bine ca nu m-am atins de meci.